Monday, September 28, 2015

I listen to the trainer real good. I just don't listen to you.

Knowing Right Psychology Coaching
How To Positively Correct And Adjust Your Dogs
Wrongful Escapades And Improper Impulses...
While Re-bonding With You Pup
And Regaining Your Pride And Inner Confidence That
Even Other People Can Sense.

A dogs-mouth made for communication: Nothing more articulated, Lip licking!


Are Lip licking Stress signals?
 Unless you’re swinging a treat over his nose or your pup is sitting in front of his food dish, the lip licking you see, is very likely dog talk. The lip lick is part of the doggie language, which is called a calming signal in dog behavior. This is not to the same your pup is licking when doing his self-bathing or giving you, some affection and loving.

 Not every lip lick is stress induced. A dog who's trying to please his owner in every way and loving it. Shows stress from the his impulse control from a intense high drive to please. You also can expect to hear whining from a dog at this level of excitement.
  Even if your dog like to work, he can have some stress. Don't worry, my border collie is also stressful when he work with me, I can't take the lip licking signals away like I would love to. He give himself the full 100% and when it comes on impulses; the stress builds up, so they start licking there lip.

 Especially with young dogs it's very occurring. It just takes time to grow up.

Lets give you a tip to help Your Pup:

 Built more breaks in when playing so he can release the stress by biting the toy. When he gets older and more experienced he will be able to control himself that way.

Hive your dog the time to build up confidence. 

Your dog can be 9 months and doing everything extraordinary but showing the licking signals, that means he's still not fully in control of himself.

If you don't take care of that, it could be resulting in a depression and your dog can lose interest in working with you when he gets older. 

So my best advice is never to rush even when he can do it, still be aware of the signals of stress.So, build his confidence first. 
Ask for help

Knowing Right Dog Psychology Center
Help! My Dog Is...
Feeling Powerless, Misunderstood Or Just Silly
When Your Pup Acts Up
Again And Again And Again...

Saturday, September 26, 2015

“Dogs got personality. Personality goes a long way.”

Customised And Tailored Styling
Understanding Of Your Essential Concerns To Tailor The Styling Accordingly To Your Individual Needs And Expectations To Mirror Your Family-Pups Genuine Character And True Nature

Friday, September 25, 2015

“If you think dogs can’t count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then give him only two of them.”

 Socializing Dog Training
How To Successful Prevent Or Solve Problems
Instead Of Creating Them While Letting The
Reflection Of Your Well Behaved Dog
Shine On You

Thursday, September 24, 2015

"You can say any foolish thing to a dog

and the dog will give you a look that says, ‘Wow, you’re right! I never would’ve thought of that!’”

Personal Private Dog Trainings
By Top Dog Trainer Bryan Dranston, Who Was Invited
To Defend Belgium's National Colors For Obedience At
The World Greatest Dog show: Crufts
And Who Was Internationally Trained By a.o.
Susan Garrett, Shirley Clowes, John Higgins,..
All In The Comfort And Leisure Of Your Own Home